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- Vienna
- Welch
- Williamson
- Winfield

Alcohol addiction and alcoholism are serious problems that affect many residents in Maxwelton, WV. Because of the free use of alcohol in our society, it is something hard to tell when casual alcohol consumption has turned into an addiction. While there is nothing wrong with consuming alcohol on special occasions or sharing a bottle of wine with a friend, the problem of addiction is evident when an individual cannot control his alcohol consumption and continues drinking despite the consequences.
An individual addicted to alcohol in Maxwelton may be trying to cover up his problems or use alcohol to feel better or "happy". Unfortunately, by abusing alcohol he is only making his problems worse as his actions are self-destructive and they become dangerous to themselves and others.
Alcohol addiction and alcoholism can literally kill a person. So every day that goes by that someone addicted to alcohol in Maxwelton, West Virginia is not getting help, is one day closer to his total demise. It is important that someone abusing alcohol is aware of the help that is available at a Maxwelton Alcohol Rehab Facility.
Treatment for alcohol addiction and alcoholism in Maxwelton is available for individuals who know that they cannot continue down the path of destruction that alcohol abuse has created. Alcoholism Rehab Centers in Maxwelton offer counseling, peer support and the help of specialists to help the individual discover how they got into this mess, and how to get out and stay out of the cycle of addiction for good.
As part of treatment in Maxwelton, WV., individuals that experience withdrawal due to extensive alcohol abuse will be gotten through alcohol rehab/detoxification at an Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center. Withdrawal can be a painful and uncomfortable process, so getting help and guidance through withdrawal and detox is a much better option than the person attempting to endure this on their own.
Alcohol addiction treatment options are different from person to person; Examples of treatment options available in Maxwelton, West Virginia are Long-term Alcohol Abuse Rehab Programs, Outpatient Alcoholism Rehab Programs, Short-term Alcohol Abuse Rehabs, Inpatient Alcoholism Treatment Programs, support group meetings, counseling, halfway houses and sober living.
Don't let alcohol addiction or alcoholism take one more day away from you or someone you care about. Contact a counselor in Maxwelton today and discover which Alcoholism Rehab Facility will be best for you or someone you care about today.
Alcohol Treatment Facilities in and around Maxwelton, West Virginia
- Seneca Health Services Inc Maxwelton, WV, 24957
- Pyramid Counseling LLC Lewisburg, WV, 24901
- Seneca Health Services Inc Marlinton, WV, 24954
- Beckley Treatment Center Beaver, WV, 25813
- Appalachian Regional Healthcare Beckley, WV, 25801
- FMRS Health Systems Inc Beckley, WV, 25801
- Burlington United Methodist Fam Servs Beckley, WV, 25801
- Southern West Virginia Beckley, WV, 25801
- Pressley Ridge Crab Orchard, WV, 25827
- Southern Highlands Comm MH Center Inc Princeton, WV, 24740
- Contact Us
- According to alcoholism poisoning statistics, an estimated 1 in 1000 cases of alcohol poisoning result in death.
- About 20% of teens are "problem drinkers." Problem drinking can result in getting drunk, having accidents related to alcohol use, or getting into trouble with the law, family members, friends or school due to alcohol use.
- The metabolic breakdown of alcohol is performed by the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), which is found mostly in the liver; over 90% of all alcohol removal from the body is done by ADH.
- When the stomach if empty, the peak Blood Alcohol Concentration occurs 60 to 90 minutes after ingesting alcohol.
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